
Finally, I bought www.nurseincyberspace.com through Lyle's assistance. This is in preparation for Nurse In Cyberspace's much-delayed migration to WordPress. I must say reciting my personal blog's previous URL to others (esp. non-bloggers) has become quite bothersome. It takes forever for them to remember it. Hence, this very welcome change.


I am spending my day updating my blogs. Although still tired from my trip to ComVal Province yesterday, I had the energy to down half a liter of Coke. And it is not even Coke Zero! Sheesh, why the hell did I do that?


1 comment:

Georg Kevin A. Paquet said...

WordPress na.. WordPress na.. Don't fall for the blogger trap hahaha XD :p

Hehe. I'm trying to write better content na eh, baba na kasi traffic ko, so I'll better enjoy writing than worrying about traffic.

-stats are just stats and mean nothing if the blogger isn't happy with his blog-