New Moon Exclusive Trailer to be Released via MTV Awards and MySpace

This is something big for Twilight fans. MTV announced that the New Moon trailer will premiere on May 31, Sunday, at 9:00 p.m. ET during the MTV Awards . New Moon lead stars Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart will be present during the ceremony to present the exclusive footage of New Moon, the sequel of the blockbuster movie Twilight.

At 10:45 p.m. the same day, the official New Moon trailer will be released online via MySpace's Trailer Park.

On a side note, Plurk Designs came up with Plurk templates for Twilight fans. Check out the images below for New Moon Plurk templates feauturing Bella Swan, Edward Cullen, Jason Black, and the Wolf Pack.

Click here to get New Moon Plurk Template

Click here to get New Moon Wolf Pack Plurk Template