Ram Sagad is Pinoy Fear Factor's 2nd Eliminado

Because Elmer, Jommy, Jose, and Ram were the poor performers in the second challenge of Pinoy Fear Factor's Segunda Ronda de Eliminacion (Elimination Round 2), they competed in the last challenge of the second elimination round.

If the second challenge, Cerebros y Ojos de Oveja (Sheep's Brains and Eyes), was a gut-wrenching one, the third stunt was physically demanding. The stunt, aptly called Acrobacias en Helicóptero (Acrobatics on a Helicopter), required the participantes to hang on to a trapeze dangling from a moving helicopter. It was obviously a painful task because they were going against the pull of gravity as they held on to the trapeze with their bare hands.

I thought that Elmer will be sent home because he was not as well-built as Jommy, Jose, and Ram Sagad who are Pump Squad members. Also, he was quite sick and is generally regarded as the weakest Pinoy Fear Factor participante in this challenge considering that he was almost eliminated in the first round. And so I was quite surprised when I saw how easily Ram was thrown off into the water and it became clear that Elmer, the veterinarian from Pampanga, is not the next participante to be eliminated from Pinoy Fear Factor.

Although I was rooting for Elmer Felix in this challenge, I didn't want Ram Sagad to be eliminated. Ram Sagad seemed decent and a strong contender to me. If I were to pick the second Pinoy Fear Factor participante to be eliminated, I'll choose Jommy without batting an eyelash. The guy is just too loud and arrogant that I'd love to see him eat dust.

My take on Pinoy Fear Factor's Acrobacias en Helicóptero stunt:

This Pinoy Fear Factor stunt is definitely a Fear Factor Extreme material. My eyes were glued to the TV set the moment Elmer grabbed the trapeze because it seemed he was really hanging on to dear life. And when he was crying out in pain, I was dumbfounded. I thought he incurred spinal injury. Really scary.

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